
Collagen Bed Q & A’s

What do “Collagen” beds do?

They naturally stimulate the production of Collagen and Elastin in the body and increases circulation by the formulation of new capillaries which speed up the healing process in damaged skin.

What is Collagen and Elastin?

Collagen is the protein that connects and supports your bodily tissues such as: skin, bones, teeth etc. Elastin is the protein that provides the skin with flexibility and firmness?

Why should i rejuvenate the Collagen and Elastin in my body?

Because as we age, the Collagen and Elastin production levels decline and therefore result in the skin becoming weaker and thinner which leads to wrinkles, fine lines, age spots etc.

How does Red light therapy work?

Red light is able to penetrate the skin to a depth of 8-10mm, encouraging the cells to naturally stimulate the production of Collagen and Elastin.

What is the difference between Red light therapy and LED (light emitting diode), IPL (intense pulsed light) and Laser therapy?

Red light Therapy uses red light fluorescent lamps to penetrate the whole body and is affordable, non-evasive, natural, pain-free and do not cut, burn or break the skin to get the desired results.

LED therapy uses light emitting diodes which typically penetrate the face only and cast light in just one direction at a very narrow angle therefore requiring longer session times. It is also a very expensive treatment.

IPL therapy can only be applied by a professional who uses an IPL machine to penetrate certain areas of the body with an intense heat to clear specific areas of the body. It is also a very expensive treatment and is not 100% pain free.

Laser therapy can only be applied by a professional who uses a carbon dioxide laser to vaporise upper layers of the skin so that new skin reforms and is typically very invasive, painful and extremely costly in regards to other light treatments.

What is the difference between Red light therapy and Infrared therapy?

Both treatments have very similar therapeutic effects but as the red light penetrates to a depth of about 8-10 mm it is more beneficial in treating problems close to the bodys surface whereas the infrared penetrates to a depth of about 30-40 mm and is more beneficial in treatments of joints, tendons, deep muscle etc.

What are the benefits of going on for 16 minutes rather than say, 12 minutes?

The session time is dependant on the individual using the bed, a full session time of say, 16 minutes on the “Collagen Clear” is the recommended maximum time needed for anybody, any age to get the best results but the more problems an individual has…the more time spent on the bed is recommended.

An example:

A 25 year old man/woman with few fine lines, no acne and general healthy looking skin may only need 12 minutes whereas a 50 year old man/woman with heavy fine lines, bad circulation, may need 16 minutes. Or a 16 year old boy/girl with bad acne, bad complexion may need 16 minutes whereas a 55 year old man/woman with youthful looking skin, the odd sun spot etc may need 13 minutes.

What are the course recommendations for the Collagen Clear bed?

Collagen Clear course recommendation:

10 week course:

2 weeks of 2 x 15 minute sessions

8 weeks of 3 x 15 minute sessions

Post 10 week course:

2 x 15 minute session each week